Keepers of Love’s Way

Keepers of Love’s Way Inc is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non profit. This site, our community camp and all of our efforts are driven by the Keepers of Love’s Way Inc.

Our projects are community projects, driven by the community and implemented by the community. We typically design our projects down to fine details and have 3d design models before we even begin. Planing as a community not only allows us to provide more learning opportunities, but also helps us to be more efficient in terms of how we spend community contributions.

Building through the community also provides learning opportunities along with instilling pride and a feeling of accomplishing things ‘together’. We prefer to implement our own designs rather than outsource. Learning to support ourselves sustainably and with abundance is a core focus. To develop the footprint and tooling is part of the joy in our experience. We take our time to create with skill and in balance with the life around us. We learn about ourselves as we make our way.

If you would like to learn more or become part of what we do, come on out to an event and see for yourself!

March 2025
April 2025
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