Love’s Way

Love’s Way is a spirit led destination located in North Texas and supported by the non-profit Keepers of Love’s Way Inc. We provide a place in nature to camp, grow and learn about who we are through the power of Love. Our mission is to enable our planet, our Tribe, as we grow through this amazing time!

Who is ‘Our Tribe’? It is everyone, even the plants and animals are part of ‘Our Tribe’; this is how we remember to honor more than just ourselves. We are children born of Heaven and Earth remembering who we truly are and manifesting Love in our world as we play and grow together. We come from many walks of life, from different beliefs and experiences. We are united in that we are all spirits having a human experience and walking towards Love as we give each other room to grow. It is in this light, in this Love, that we create a beautiful medicine together, a spirit to nourish and uplift one another. Our people used to live this way long ago when our ancestors honored our Mother Earth; The Great Spirit was not a vanity, but was a humble blessing found as we listened and observed that Love was written in all life and has hope for us even as we are!

Next Upcoming Event
19 October 2024
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NTX Drum Circle

What is Love’s Way?

The Way of Love is a path provided for us, one which frees our hearts and returns us to the truth of our source. You have never been alone, you have never been unknown; you have always been doing exactly what you need to learn the things you came to this world to learn!

Your journey in this world is truly a battle for your mind. Our world invests so much into convincing your mind of so many things. In all of the information the world solicits, only so much of it is for the good of all; much of it is for the good of a single self. We can be free and serve each other in a beautiful way through The Law of Love!

So what is this Law of Love and who are the enforcers? The Law of Love isn’t like laws we commonly implement here, no person is holding any ‘authority’ over others and there are no books with words to argue over. To learn this law you need only let Love be your teacher! If you disagree with someone then Love them; Love will be their teacher!

I realize that it’s hard to know what is true in this world. In this, I would encourage you to still your heart and mind so that you can hear your own truth, have your own experience and awaken to the most powerful thing you’ve ever embodied; Love! In this world we start out apart from the Light of Love, we have free will to choose what we will embody and what we will empower ourselves with. If we do not find our way to Love, our mind, our consciousness, is molded by those who would control and profit from us. In this we are kept apart from healing, from self love and from being the light we truly are. We can choose though, all we have to do is ask and clear the clutter in our hearts so we can receive! You came here with purpose, you were always known; Love is the water that will nourish the true fruit of your spirit and empower you to live in the realization of the amazing being you already are!
